Animal Assisted Activities (AAA) & Animal Assisted Psychotherapy with Tulip and Pepper my co-therapists.
Humanity is exalted not because we are so far above other living creatures, but because knowing them well elevates the very concept of life” (Edward Osborne Wilson)
(AAP) – Animal Assisted Psychotherapy is an intervention that has a specified goal for the client. The presence of a canine as a co-therapist within the counselling room can create a positive space which evokes your own resources; something within you that can be amplified. They are a useful therapeutic tool with many client populations, having perfected silent lucidity, they make the client more aware of their inner states due to the reflection of those states back to themselves. Where by helping the client notice their moods and regulate them more effectively.
(AAA) – Animal Assisted Activities is an approach without a specified goal. It creates a point of difference in the persons life that can create enrichment during the visit.
I would also love to be invited as the handler in counselling sessions within other therapeutic spaces.
Tulip and Pepper have worked in AAA with Delta Dog Society for over two years and both are accredited through Lead the Way Psychology & Animal Assisted Therapy with Alpha Canine Professionals to work as a therapy dog.
This counselling service is available face to face to paw for $120.00 per session.